Thursday 17 May 2012

Young & Stupid

Some things are inevitable.........and being young and stupid is one of them. It's one mysterious point in time which comes and goes with free will and not a force on earth can stand in it's way. It didn't matter which background you belonged to, what religion you held on to, what part of the world you hailed from, how badly/wisely you were raised cause still it came for you like it came for me and we weren't able to recognize it till the storm was over. Some enjoy it. Some survive it. Some escape it. Others endure it. But the rest are consumed by it for a long period in it. 

It's roots start to grow in adolescence and the first thing it does is to cage the rational mind and unleash all unfulfilled senses of gratification. All one thinks is to find gratification in one form or the other. Kind of like an animal prowling for its prey.......perhaps. Such a state of heart and mind gives no credence whatsoever to principles,values,empathy,ethics,morals,responsibility and no matter how hard anyone tries to make you understand all this, you just won't give a @#$&. It would feel like that the world is just build to make you happy and when things won't go according to plan than you'll point fingers anywhere but at yourself.

Its a disease that cannot be cured. But perhaps it shouldn't be either. After all there are no greater lessons learned than from mistakes and mishaps..........if one has the rational mind and wisdom to apply. But eventually most of us do learn the beauty of hindsight sooner or later. So if you are going through such a time then just ignore this post cause it may all seem gibberish and I also wish you happy hunting but if you have experienced it then look for damage control for the one's you care about and who are the current host of this vicious parasite so that a quick and smooth transition can take place towards being mature and prudent.



  1. << young and stupid.

    Sighs. This is quite true, I should try and start controlling the damage before it's too late. Thanks for this little heads-up. I think I needed it :)

  2. Yes, we've all been through it. Perhaps, I'm still going through it. Oh well. That's growing up! :)

    P.S. Thanks for checking out my monthly movie picks.

    Lots of love, B
    Tweet me: Viva_La_Breee
    After Flats Giveaway

  3. thank you both for your comments

  4. there is a transition? pray tell, when does this blessed change occur? i for one have never even heard of this "mature and prudent"! :(

    1. According to my limited understanding this change can occur anytime. If you start to control your impulse for the right purpose and keep long term consequences in mind then mostly likely your home. Humility is also another great factor towards being mature and prudent.

    2. Well, I do hope I make the acquaintance of "mature and prudent" in the near future. So far, "young and stupid" has taken up permanent residence. A tragic state of affairs I tell you.

  5. You took the concept of stupidty and put it into really wise and intellectual words. I have to agree with you. When we do stupid things we don't think about what the consequences could be. Although we can sometimes make up for them later, there are those rare ones that can't be made up for sadly.

    Lovely read!

    Yours Truly x

    1. once you make a mistake, learn from it and apply that learning then that mistake no more remains a mistake.

  6. loved the way how you put it: "Its a disease that cannot be cured. But perhaps it shouldn't be either" :)
    sooner or later all kids grow up.

  7. nostalgic... how much i want to get back into that storm..alas... nicely written :)

  8. glad you liked it, thank you for your comments

  9. you learn from ur experiences. thats how life is. :D

  10. i am young and stupid but what to do? :-(

  11. thank you both for your comments
    @ Rida
    It's normal to be young and stupid. To be precise, id say to keep a journal of your activities in order to remember the time your going through and start to think about all the things you do and think about it's long term consequences. Just keep your thinking part of the brain active

  12. I agree with what you said about how being young and stupid is a disease that shouldn't be cured! Experience is the best teacher. We can't learn from other people's mistakes as fully and completely as we do from our own. If we were never young and stupid, life would be a lot less colourful!:)

  13. i tagged you in a post. :D

  14. thanks for the tag, ill get on it asap

  15. there are no greater lessons learned than from mistakes and mishaps
    indeed :) another inspiring post which i read from your blog :)although iam a dumb commentor and very rare commenting on my friends blog but i always readd all my bloggers posts and try to get the inhale some inspiration through their wonderful thought provoking posts :)


    need my bloggers autograph plz visit :) thanks

  17. u pointed out a graet fact
    we donot think while we r young n stupid as everything seems funny n attractive but as the time passes we realize our childish acts n mistakes.but that person is wise who realizes that thing n be mature at rite time.
    gud work n appreciated n always keep writing :)

  18. this reminded me of the quote "every year i realize how stupid i was the year before" we grow up all the time, all our lives =)

  19. I think i am currently going through the young and stupid phase. But whenever i look back a few years i realise i was stupider than i am right now. But i cherish every memory i have ever made over the past years. :)

  20. thank you both for sharing your views and enriching the text

  21. Very late Eid Mubarak Farhan!
    And like always a great post. And don't think I've forgotten that you still need to do the tag I tagged you in sir!

    Jumma Mubarak! :)

  22. Thanks alot for your comment. Well i'll be honest here. The difficulty in writing that tag you sent is that i'm not comfortable with writing about myself. It's something I never really thought about. Hope you will understand. Keep reading :)

  23. That's understandable. :) And I definitely will. :)
