Thursday 16 July 2015

Me vs Me

War! That's what it has come down to. Tonight I'm going to War! War to reclaim my soul. War to rectify my mistakes. War to change myself.......War to defeat myself! All my life I've tried fighting alot of people and alot of things but failed miserably. In hindsight I've come to realize that I've been fighting the wrong enemy. Or perhaps it wasn't the right time to fight them. Besides there is a bigger and more brutal enemy running in my blood, veins, heart and mind that needs to be considered first. It is because of this masked enemy that has cost me all my failures. But I can't fight this powerful enemy alone. I can't fight this life long war alone. Especially when it has weakened and blinded my heart and soul. I need help from even more powerful force. A force that can obliterate anything, anytime with no hesitation. The architect. The destroyer. The king of kings and the ruler of beloved creator ALLAH.

May Allah unfreeze our hearts, Ameen

Allah protect me from myself so that I can take care of my enemies

Sunday 5 July 2015

Precipice of Defeat

After all these years of failures......... failure to distinguish between illusion and reality, failure to stop self-destruction each day, failure to acquire purpose, failure to do good, failure to lift the spirit, failure to recognize true enemy and true power, failure to appreciate my master, failure to learn from failure, after all my failures........yet here i still stand!